Suite à l'installation du nouveau design, le blog peut encore présenter quelques erreurs, ou bugs d'affichage. Merci de votre compréhension.

Here I am again after a few months of silence. The school project finished and the Christmas holidays over I finally have some time for myself ! Not that the holidays weren't good, it was actually great to spend some time with the family and friends, but now I can concentrate on what to do with my life.
I've never been of the brave kind. Don't have that much self-confidence, and I tend to have loads of exciting ideas and never fulfill my projects. But I want this to change. You can call it my new years resolution if you want.

For three years now I have left creativity aside, concentrating on my biology studies. I should point out that at first I didn't plan on studying biology. I wanted to be a graphic and web designer. What happened you might ask ? Well I started out by studying graphic and web design in a new city, far from my parents, friends  and especially boyfriend. In other words I was alone on myself in a new city. And I wasn't ready to leave home, I wasn't mature enough. Once the Christmas holidays over I just couldn't go back there, it was too hard. So, I came back home.

I only chose to study biology because I didn't know what else to do. It was very interesting, fun, and I met some good friends. But I had no time for creativity. No drawing, no painting, no webdesign, no graphic design. Only some photography here and there. Sometimes my brain would fuse with ideas but I wouldn't have chance to express myself. It's an extremely horrible, and frustrating sensation. All you want to do is break free, shout and share to the world what you are thinking, but you just can't.

Now I have my degree, I just want to do something else. Be creative, make, paint, draw, write. My aim is to build my little business. And to do so I have to believe in myself and make it come true. So that is what I'll do.

What would you like to change, do, make come true ? Who do you want to be ?

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Lady Bird RedDesign et contenu par Catherine Surr
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