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Hello there reader, and welcome to my little space on the net.
Who am I? 
I'm a 22 year old biology student, I love photography and have been taking photos for 7 years now with my little Pentax K100D. I was born in England but now live in the south France where it's usually warm and sunny. I live near the mountains but also not so far away from the sea, only a few hours drive and beach here we come! I have 2 cats, mellow and pichu:

Pichu was named so after the pokemon because her mother was called Miaousse which is french for Meowth :)
And mellow was named after the song Mellow Yellow by Donovan:

Mellow Yellow (Stereo) by Donovan on Grooveshark

What else ?    Well, if I tell you everything there is to know about me now, they'll be nothing left to post onto this blog. So stay tuned ;)

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